No More YouTube Scams

Automatic, AI-powered comment scam detection. For Youtubers who care.

12m ago
Congratulations you've been selected amongst our shortlisted winner's! 🎉
23m ago
Thanks for watching! Message right away I have something for you! ❤️ 🎁
Scam Comments Found
Scam Alert!
Comment Monitoring...
Trusted by Youtubers. Created by Ex-Googlers.

Stop All Scams.

Giveaway Scams
Adult Site Scams
WhatsApp/Telegram Scams
Identity Theft Scams
Malicious URL Scams
Financial/Crypto Scams

Automatically Hide Scam Comments

Scam comments are instantly hidden when detected. You can review these hidden comments whenever you like.

17m ago
☝️ Thanks for always watching and commenting. You have been selected in my draw 🌹 text me
Hiding Comments...

Stop Fake Accounts & Impersonation

Detect bot accounts pretending to be you — stop them DMing your viewers.

Fake Accounts Detected
657 Blocked Accounts

Defeat Complex Scams

Scams are becoming more sophisticated. Our algorithms stay ahead of scammers latest tactics.

Scanning Complete!

No Admin Permissions Needed

Nobody touches your videos, but you.

No-Hassle, Easy Setup

Add Comment Moderator

Add ChannelGuard as a standard comment moderator for your channel — no admin permissions needed!

Channel Guard Starts Monitoring

Channel Guard monitors 24/7 identifying and hiding scam comments — so you can get back to making amazing videos.

Scam Comments Hidden

Once a scam comment is detected it is immediately hidden from public view. Hidden comments are available for your review at any time.

1-click Setup

Channel Guard is a set-it-and-forget-it solution, with no plugins or apps to log into.

1) Add Comment Moderator

Add ChannelGuard as a standard comment moderator for your channel — no admin permissions needed!

Channel Guard Starts Monitoring

Channel Guard monitors 24/7 identifying and hiding scam comments — so you can get back to making amazing videos.

Automatically Hides Scam Comments

Scam comments are instantly hidden when detected. You can review these hidden comments whenever you like.

Removing Comment...


"With Collabify, my team is able to work collaboratively towards a shared goal, resulting in a more productive and capable team that is able to bring new ideas to fruition."

David Parker
Head of Design — Meta

"With Collabify, my team is able to work collaboratively towards a shared goal, resulting in a more productive and capable team that is able to bring new ideas to fruition."

David Parker
Head of Design — Meta

"I thought YouTube would add a feature to block scams, but they never did.

Thank God for Channel Guard—it perfectly cleaned up my comments section."

James Svetec
Youtube Creator

Creators & Brands

Keep your channel covered with:
  • AI scam detection
  • 24/7 comment monitoring
  • Automatically hide scams from public view
  • Priority support for quick issue resolution.
Get Started
Contact for pricing
Full Protection for your brand:
  • AI scam detection
  • 24/7 comment monitoring
  • Automatically hide scams from public view
  • Priority support for quick issue resolution.
Learn More
Keep your channel covered with:
  • AI scam detection
  • 24/7 comment monitoring
  • Automatically hide scams from public view
  • Priority support for quick issue resolution.
Get Started
Contact for pricing
Full Protection for your brand:
  • AI scam detection
  • 24/7 comment monitoring
  • Automatically hide scams from public view
  • Priority support for quick issue resolution.
Learn More


What is Channel Guard?

Channel Guard is your trusty sidekick in the fight against YouTube scam comments. We use smart AI to spot and hide scammy comments, letting you focus on creating awesome content. Easy to set up, no special permissions needed, and works around the clock!

How effective is Channel Guard at catching scam comments?

We nab over 98% of scam comments, even those impersonating you. And we're always improving to catch even the sneakiest scams.

Is it really as simple as just signing up and setting Channel Guard as my comment moderator?

Absolutely, it's that straightforward! No need for special permissions. We're just here to clean up your comments.

How long does it take to start removing scams?

There's an initial channel setup period where we scan your entire channel. After 48 hours we begin monitoring and continuously removing new scam comments.

Isn't this something YouTube should fix?

Ideally, yes. But we've been waiting too long. The reality is it's computationally expensive for YouTube to do this on every video, and it doesn't seem to be a priority. Scammers are quick to adapt, while YouTube's defenses are slower to update. Our system is always learning, catching new scam tricks in days, not years.

What's wrong with YouTube's own anti-spam tools?

YouTube has some basic tools, like word-blocking, but they're a blunt instrument. They can accidentally hide legit comments and still miss real scams. Our algorithms are trained on sophisticated scams and are ever-evolving.

Can Channel Guard spot complex scam conversations involving multiple users?

You bet! We're skilled at identifying and hiding those tricky, multi-user scam convos that target your less savvy viewers.

Can Channel Guard protect my channel if it's targeted with unique scam methods?

100%. We aim to shield your channel, community, and brand—even if that means customizing our scam detection just for you.

Is it easy to cancel my Channel Guard subscription?

No strings attached. Cancel before your next payment and you won't be billed again. You'll still get service for any time you've already paid for.

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Youtube wouldn't do it

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